Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Access Help

The help feature is pretty cool. I like the fact that this feature takes you to a website where you can walk through the beginner's version of Access and there is online help.
I like the MS assistant too, the dog and cat are fun to watch and they make noise too.

In help, there are examples of databases put together which are very complex looking. Help can answer questions about the features of the program and show examples on how to do functions.
I think the help function is useful and very easy to use. You can search for anything. The MSOffice online help is really nice and very cool. It's great that you can learn new things there as well as in class.

Monday, January 23, 2006

MS Access

I'm taking this class as part of the requirement for my degree. I'm sure that I will learn various ways to organize my data files and make better use of this type of data base program.

I am a Mary Kay consultant and have a decent size inventory. There is not just one shade of lipstick, eye color, or foundation; there are several as well as various types and this program may help sort and organize these products for easier inventory control. I think this program may be helpful in arranging that inventory a bit different. This program may also be beneficial in doing income taxes at the end of the year. I'm looking forward to seeing what this program can do. Excel is outstanding so hopefully Access is too.

Sparky in back Baby in Front Honey looking over side and Stubbie the dark one

Just about all the cats in the family are in this picture. Cuddles is long hair gray cat and he is laying on a box next to the chair every body else is piled in Posted by Picasa

The whole fam Damily

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