Friday, June 29, 2007

Wikis are very interesting

I found that Wikipedia is very interesting to use and there is tons of information available and tons of links to information in regards to the topic you may be searching for. I made a page and found the software easy to use and easy to get to links and topics of interest. It is very easy to edit the information.

I probably have viewed other sites with wiki type information on them without even being aware of it. My wiki website is: and I think that everything a person could want to know about can be found through Wikipedia, or if people are interested enough, they can find out about other people, individuals and what they are specifically interested in or what their viewpoints may be if they have put it on Wikipedia. This might be a good website for spouses to use to get to know each other :- )

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Answers to the Question for CIOS 275 Summer

Are bloggers journalists?
I believe that some bloggers probably are journalists and some blogger are just like me, normal every day people writing their thoughts out, or sharing information over the web.

I think that if bloggers have had an impact on the way other people think, vote, or receive information; that is not a bad thing. Blogs are people communicating or providing other people with opinions, information and other stuff and I think it's a good thing. I do think that it should be viewed as having the same rights as freedom of speech. It is the freedom to express one's self and opinion on a topic or share their view. There should be no predjudice on it, as long as it is in fairly good taste.

Why or why not? Bloggers have been responsible for breaking and carrying news stories that have resulted in senators losing their jobs and possibly changed the course of the last presidential election. Is that good or bad? Should bloggers have the same rights (to access events, interview, etc) and protections (not to have to reveal their sources) as nespaper and television reporters?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Prom Night

Wow, what a beauty. Julia really looked beautiful on Prom night. The dress was perfect for her and she just glowed. She can usually be found with a ball cap on and jeans and a t shirt and no make up. She is a no frills kind of gal but she sure can be elegant as well. I guess she is like her mom that way. We clean up good.