Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Lesson 14 "Microsoft Office Access 2003" the book

Write a short review of your textbook - be critical. What did you think of the author? the format of the book? how did you like the accompanying CD or appendices? Did you find it useful and informative?

I found the textbook and the format very technical and dry. I don't suppose it was meant to be fun but more so informative and seemed to be for more advanced users of Access than beginners. I ordered another book on Microsoft Access 2003 by mistake and after browsing through it noticed that the graphics helped the user see more of what was being accomplished by the actions and seemed more "user friendly" than this book. This book seemed heavy and maybe too much information for what the user really needed.

The author was well versed in the applications of Access and quite knowledgeable about giving instructions on how to accomplish the tasks. I think the book was too wordy and she could have consolidated her thoughts better. One thing that was helpful was that she provided pros and cons of various tasks so the user would be aware of certain risks such as the system administrator being disabled or enabled if one wanted to share information.

The CD seemed to have a lot of the same information that could already be found on the Microsoft online help, so I didn't find that as useful.

Lesson 12 Data Exchange

Do a search on the Internet: what are the limitations of exchanging database objects and text using Access 2003?

Items being exchanged may not always be compatible with each other and this may limit text exchanges with Access. Also when using mail merge within WORD, only tables and queries are acceptable formats for Access objects. It seems easier to export information from Access than to import information but it really depends on the programs being used to exchange database objects and text.

Is there anything you cant do?

You are not able to append imported data into existing tables, you must first import the table and then run an append query to add the information to the other table. You will get error messages if you try to do it any other way. When importing a form, you must be sure to include everything that is involved with that form which may include tables or queries. Failure to include all components of the form will result in error messages and failure to access the form as intended.


Access reads information used in other programs differently and some items may not be compatible.

What are the complications associated with sharing Access data and objects in a multi-user environment?

It can compromise the data in the database and there is less security when the information is shared between users. Also, setting up the right amount of security for each user so that they can do what they need to do within the datasheets. Adding new users and taking away users from the group can also cause complications.

Lesson 13 Security

What are the main things you can do to secure your Access database?

Password protecting your database is a good security measure as long as you don't forget your password, which I would say may be a security flaw, but that is with any program if the user forgets the password. Using a password with number and various symbols is a better method than using alpha characters alone. Changing the password at regular intervals also ensures better protection from break ins. There are multi levels of security and group user security measures that can also be used.

Why would you secure and Access database?

Securing an Access Database protects the integrity of the records and files held in the database. If there is sensitive material or confidential information in the database, you would want to take as many security precautions as possible to maintain the integrity of the material and keep the information out of the hands of the wrong people. Our data base is behind a firewall and we have a designated Sequal Server to protect that information.

Does Access have any security flaws? What are they?

There is a built-in system administrator log on and if that is not disabled, anyone can get to the database. If a person is not aware of this feature, it could be detrimental to vital information.

Customize Lesson 11

What do you think are the most interesting ways to customize menus and toolbars? Why? (re-read chapter 20 for more information).

Arranging the items in groups for what you use the most is the most interesting way to customize menus and toolbars. Each computer user has their own style of working and being able to customize your programs to your specification makes the use of the programs more efficient and the user more productive.

The best thing about customizing menus and toolbars is that you have what you need available without having to search for it. They can be arranged in the order that you use them the most and commands that are used most often can be added and less used items can be removed. Menus can be made just the way you want them and shortcut menus can be used as needed. Controls can be modified according to the way you use them and in particular groups and arrangements.

Lesson 10 Events

Which events do you think are the most useful for your organization? Why do you think so?

I think data events are the most useful because data needs to be updated and revised on a regular basis. Prices change, addresses change and dates change for various events. Change is constant in any business if the business is going and being able to update the data is the most useful event that I would be using.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Office Assistant

There are several different Office Assistants to choose from within the Microsoft Office Program.
This is one component that shares information between every application that is connect to the Microsoft Office Suite. It acts like a program within a program but shares information between all the programs.
In my search for information, I found a new Office Assistant, the Genie and a dolphin that I can't seem to activate. There are several, the dog, the cat, the wizard, the office logo, Mother Nature, F1, the Dot and the famous Clippit, paper clip. Each office assistant has a personality all of their own if you animate them. They are quite interesting and fun. I can't wait to see what the Genie does. I really like the cat and dog too.

They are not only cute but also functional in providing methods or search of tips and tricks and providing help while in a document. They function with each component of MS Office as long as they are activated. I really enjoy them because some things are just dull and they add a little life to your work.

Lesson 9 DDE

DDE is Dynamic Data Exchange which allows a computer to share information between two running programs. Excel has a special paste command that would allow chart data and a chart to be entered into a Word document and every time this information was updated in Excel, it would also be updated in Word.

This type of activity can also be done within excel from sheets to workbooks but it is kept in the single application, where as an exchange of data is used between two seperate applications in DDE.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

2 of my best girls
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Monday, April 03, 2006

Lesson 8 Charting and Graphing

Do a search on the Web for the Microsoft Graph program? What did you learn about this program?

The Microsoft Graph program is a really cool program. All kinds of graphs can be made from what ever types of data are being used. There is column, bar, line, radar, bubble, surface graphs and more. Depending on the amount of data and type of data, the selection of a what type of graph will work best, is done according to what is being shown. This program sets the data range that is being used and sets the X & Y axis as well. A graph or chart can also be published as a web page if there are others that the information should go to.

All the components of this graph came through and what this graph shows, is insurance claims by month and dollar amount. By looking at this graph, one can see that during the month of February, the highest dollar amount in claims was processed and in August the lowest amount was processed.

Lesson 7 Subreports

Blog Post
What is a subreport and how might you use it?

From the information that I obtained, the subreport is a report within the main report or can be used within a main report. The subreport is actually a stand alone report. The subreport would be used for example if you wanted to add graphing or charting to show purchasing curves or productivity highs and lows. If I wanted to see what point in the year I had the highest sales, I would use a report that brought in data based on dates of sales and amounts of sales and then as a subreport I would create a chart or a graph to show this information. The subreport has relational information to the main report.