Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Lesson 13 Security

What are the main things you can do to secure your Access database?

Password protecting your database is a good security measure as long as you don't forget your password, which I would say may be a security flaw, but that is with any program if the user forgets the password. Using a password with number and various symbols is a better method than using alpha characters alone. Changing the password at regular intervals also ensures better protection from break ins. There are multi levels of security and group user security measures that can also be used.

Why would you secure and Access database?

Securing an Access Database protects the integrity of the records and files held in the database. If there is sensitive material or confidential information in the database, you would want to take as many security precautions as possible to maintain the integrity of the material and keep the information out of the hands of the wrong people. Our data base is behind a firewall and we have a designated Sequal Server to protect that information.

Does Access have any security flaws? What are they?

There is a built-in system administrator log on and if that is not disabled, anyone can get to the database. If a person is not aware of this feature, it could be detrimental to vital information.

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