Sunday, October 08, 2006

The hallway

OK, there really was a method to my madness, and as you can see the lighter tiles are in the center and the darker tiles are mostly on the outer edges. I'm not entirely finished but it has only taken one week or so and if I didn't get working on it, it would have taken longer.

I'm very visual as I think my younger, brother, Edward is and I talked with him and my boss, John Fellerath, because both are very crafty when it comes to things like this. Dr. Fellerath, gave me a math lesson in square footage, which really helped a lot and Eddie helped give me some pointers on the tiles and laying them out, and he was so right when he said that walls are not plum and neither are tiles. The tiles in the kitchen were much more challenging than the tiles in the hallway, but the tiles in the kitchen were .60 cents cheaper. You do get what you pay for and I'm definitely not a professional when it comes to this but I'm happy with the way it came out and think I didn't do a half bad job for a girl. :- ) Posted by Picasa

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